Florida Friends, I am launching a leadership group in Tampa called: Everyday Conscious Leaders - Tampa ,a service of Creative Self-Mastery, where we unite individuals from every sphere of life who share a common goal: to embrace and enhance their leadership abilities.
ECL is part of a global movement with hubs in Berlin, London, France, Asheville, NC, and soon Tampa. What we need help with as we launch and grow our community is finding a venue, a coffee bar would be ideal for our first on-going monthly event “Coffee and Collaborate”.
We’re open to other suggestions other than a coffee bar to host this monthly meet and greet, where we mingle, drink coffee, and collaborate on what we are working on as leaders. Our vision is to create a vibrant community of everyday leaders in Tampa dedicated to making a positive impact in the world and most importantly learn to be a better leader.
As we grow, we plan to organize community events like beach cleanups, fun entertainment nights like concerts, and exciting trips to nearby attractions. We will be looking for other organizations for joint ventures, speaking engagements with guest speakers, ZOOM online education, and so much more!
I have always aspired to be a beacon of leadership in my community, particularly here in Florida where I grew up. If you know of a place where we can hold these monthly Meet Ups Send me a PM or call 818-370-4460.